Tuesday, December 31, 2013

365 Challenge for 2014

Okay, I am seeing that people last year challenged themselves to post each day over the course of a year on a specific topic. I will now challenge myself to post about my knitting, weaving, and spinning in the new year. Some of my posts may be about time constraints with not being able to continue or complete a project. I may find that I will have minimal post subjects during the middle of the Spring Semester, due to class schedules and tests to be taken for the course of finishing my MA in English. There may be a simple photo of a project or tools saying that they miss me. My projects may become like Golem desiring his Precious. Who knows! As the Spring progresses, I may have good news to announce or I may just post about delving into my knitting as a source of comfort. Let’s pray for good news for the New Year! Tomorrow, I will post my projects in need of love and the new Clapotis I started knitting for a teacher friend. Hopefully, this will be a start to writing and creativity for the New Year. I have missed my fiber and want to return to the glory and peace it gave me to de-stress. At least I get to return to my knit nights on Thursdays at my LYS!
Happy New Year’s Eve!