Monday, October 27, 2008

latter Oct events and future Nov events

There are a number of things to bring up. The first is just how difficult this past weekend has been. Michael spiked a fever of 104.7 which worried me greatly since the rest of us were not getting sick. He is better now but I ended up doing a vigil until 3am that night taking his temperature until it was down. I am now tired. Part of my exhaustion is also because I had surgery, an endometrial ablation, on Oct 17th to help with issues with endometriosis and a tubal ligation to make sure we do not conceive another child (which would be a high risk pregnancy after the ablation). I am still recovering and am in need of a long nap each day after going to school. This frustrates me since I like to have energy and help out with the boys when I get home. I am missing out on time with them to do fun things. It also forces me to do my homework and reading assignments at a later time in the evening. So, my sleep schedule is now off and I can't seem to get back on track with it.

My second issue is my schedule conflictign with everything else that I see as important. Sometimes I feel torn and pulled like a rope between things and people. Joe is wonderfule and tries his hardest not to make a huge impact on my school schedule, but issues and events with my friends seem to overlap with my school, Co-Freemasonic Lodge, and time with family. For instance, we have a huge event that could possibly occur on November 22nd. That is also the chosen day for my friend's baby shower that I need to go to because I will be her son's Godmother. The baby shower also brings in my mom and her boyfriend for the weekend and the event brings in a bunch of Masonic Brothers, so our house will be jammed with people on a crucial weekends for me. I have my huge paper for my English class also due on November 25th and I had planned on using this weekend to make the finishing touches on it and stress over it. I am just a bit freaked out over the upcoming schedule. To add to it all, I have to drive to South Florida this Friday for Masonis business, which I am looking forward to since it'll be a little break, but I have to take my work with me to do whatever research I may be able to complete so I can start writing this paper. I also have another paper for my other class due on November 17th which will require multitasking in my head. Yikes!

My third issue is missing my dad. Today I carved a pumpkin and almost started crying because it was a ritual for us to create a design together and carve an extravagant pumpkin when I was in school. So, I carved an extravagant pumpkin based on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with the Quidditch rings in the forefront. I hope he is looking down and is proud of the work I did. I am having a Samhain gathering with friends on the November 8th to help us all mourn the passing of family members. A lot of us have lost close family this year and we are all under the stress of missing them with the holidays approaching so quickly. I am just wondering how the year went by so fast.

1 comment:

carolina magic said...

Nice thing to do to remember and honor your dad. Really important and kind of you to do that.

Enjoy reading your blog.

Blog on, babe!